Development Community & Service Center

"Participation - Development - Excellence"


  • Center Brief:

A pioneering center that aims to strengthen the role of the University of Jordan in the field of social responsibility and develop it in line with the needs and aspirations of society, keep pace with rapid social and economic changes, and contribute to solving its problems and issues.

The center works within a participatory approach based on planning, implementation and evaluation between the university and community institutions, ranging from examining the needs and problems of society in various fields, and determining and arranging its priorities according to the available resources and capabilities, and through social responsibility projects and community service programs in a way that achieves sustainable development, and that Through several paths:


First: Expanding the base of student youth participation in community service activities and programs, in addition to maximizing opportunities to benefit from the knowledge and experiences of members of the teaching and administrative staff and harnessing them to serve the community in all fields tha


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